This month we will host our first GAME NIGHT! It'll be Saturday February 22 starting at 6pm and will end around 8pm. You can play the board games we provide, or you can bring your own. There are many spaces in the store to set up your favorite game!
It's open for ages 14-114, but we ask that children under 18 be supervised by an adult.
The entrance fee is $2. We'll provide snacks and drinks, and we'll also give you a 20% discount for anything in the store for that night ONLY.
If you have any questions, call the store phone at 828-456-5000 or come in and talk to an employee. If you wish to have a closed gaming session at the store, please also call at our number.
“There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island.”
~Walt Disney